
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Movie We Won't Be Watching

How many times have we saved a particular film on a watch-later list? And how much more have we neglected that same list and never brought ourselves to watch any one of them? As time goes by chance is that we never watch it. This movie in particular is in the same spirit but not out of wont. The name of this flick is “100 Years” and shall be released in 2115. It was completed in 2015, however, its producers are reserving its viewing for future generations. The idea was given prominence after the film’s commissioner drew parallels with its flagship drink. There is a particular spirit called “Louis XIII cognac” produced in France and named after the king of France who lived between 1601 and 1643. This cognac is famous the world over for its peculiar production process. It is considered fit for consumption after one hundred years. The batch produced in 2015 will be opened in 2115. The movie is expected to coincide. Needless to say that people from the cinematic spectrum thought of this as...

Really The Largest Populations

We are all aware of the minuteness of our nation. We score just less than half a million people and cannot stop but wonder at the sheer volume living in countries such as China, India, the USA and Brazil just to name a few. For the curious ones, the statistics are as follows, 1.44 billion, 1.39 then 332 and 213 million respectively. These are populations that one can board a plane and visit but the context of this article is for populations that unite nations and reside on the web. China’s total population is dwarfed by these two that we are about to discuss and the difference in between is still considerable. When we connect online we engage in this virtual nation be it a social media platform or simply to surf the net. One can definitely assume that at some point nearly every country is connected. Statistical websites indicate that users surfing on Facebook on a single day amount to an exorbitant 1.8 billion which in comparison is vastly more than the population of China. Whereas on ...

L-Olimpjadi Tad-Dagħa

Jekk ma tkunx kapaċi tidħak bik innifsek insa li dan il-ktieb ser jgħodd għalik. Dan, propjament, mhux kliemi iżda ta’ persuna qribi mgħoddija lilha minn fomm l-awtur stess... u anke għax miktuba fl-ewwel ftit paġni tal-ktieb! Għall-bidu ma stajtx inniżżel l-istil użat. Qrajt kotba oħra ta’ Charles Micallef St John u kont ferm sorpriż għax hemm baħar jaqsam appargun mal-passjoni letterarja ta’ sensiliet oħra tiegħu.  Inħoss li għal dan ix-xogħol ħaddan ton nejjie-, ridt ngħid ċajtier iżżejjed u issa naħseb li l-istil żuffjettuż tiegħu qed jinfluwenza lili wkoll! Minkejja dan, il-ktieb huwa maħsub għal udjenzi maturi, l-aktar dawk tas-snin elfejn u mija. Mhux qed niċċajta!  Hu jirrakkonta l-istorja li n-nazzjon tagħna daqt ser jesperjenza fejn insiru superpotenza dinjija; mhux militari imma reliġjuża. Dan niksbuh permezz tat-tiżwieq ikkulurit tad-dagħa li aħna l-Maltin magħrufin għalih. Għal min qed jaqra dan is-sommarju u ġa qatagħha li jwarrabu minn quddiemu nassiguraħ li lan...