Ivanhoe - A Goldie from My Past
The title says it all. I dug this novel from my childhood. At the time I did not understand a quarter of the literature and language employed, mostly because olde English was used for the dialogues and also because the age was, at the time, tender to the point that the paragraphs looked like complicated mazes where to trace a route among all the spaces interlacing the text. And, the last sentence above, which is only the second in this article is also a critique of the wordage, syntax and structure used by Sir Walter Scott to entertain us mortal bookworms. Ironically, I neither understood the gist at the time of my initial read albeit something did register. I started writing very long and complicated sentences to which my English Language teacher at the Secondary school showed little to no appreciation. This was reflected in their semester reports and meetings during the Parents' Day. "Your child is reading books unsuitable for his age." "These sentences are too ...