Hu u miexi / He whilst walking
F’lejl ta’ sajjetti bla għeda kien hemm stranġier miexi b’pass kajman qalb siġar jixxejru skond il-volonta’ tar-riħ. Dan dejjem b’dik il-mixja kalma tiegħu baqa’ għaddej għal għonq it-triq mingħajr l-iċken interess għal dak li kien għaddej madwaru.
Hu u miexi joħroġlu kelb iswed għajnejh ħomor daqs in-nar kollu rabja jobżoq il-ħdura u l-protagonist kompla miexi daqslikieku ma kien hemm xejn fin-nofs. Il-kelb meta ra li dan il-bniedem baqa’ javvanza lejh mingħajr l-iċken eżitazzjoni dawwar denbu u ħarab minn fejn ġie.
Miexi kien u miexi baqa’. Sajjetta oħra taħsad siġra enormi fuq il-lemin tiegħu u kif ser tgħaffġu- “CUT” għajjat id-direttur.
“Proset l-aħwa, x’biċċa xogħol kbira għamilna llum. Qatt ma naf li ġbidt xena f’darba waħda biss. Alla jbierek! Għax ma nippreparawx ħa nagħmlu oħra qabel inżarmaw għal-lum? Jew għajjenin?”
Il-ħars biċ-ċiera li tawh fehmuh li aħjar ma jippresshomx iżżejjed jekk ried aktar xogħol tajjeb.
It was a very thunderous night. This one man was wandering about the storm-disturbed path. Trees swayed at the mercy of the wind. Nonetheless, this person went about as if nothing was amiss.
Onwards his nonchalant stride took him. A rabid dog, eyes red with fury jumped right in front of our protagonist but he was unfazed. As he proceeded on his slow stroll, the canine knew that no good would befall if it remained there to cross paths with this frightening individual. So it fled.
Never tiring, never shaken he went on. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning tore apart an enormous tree. As it fell right over his head- “CUT” delightfully shouted the director.
“Good job, guys! Today was another successful shoot. Man, I don’t think I ever managed a scene in a single take. You’re great! How about we set up another scene? Or should we call it a day?”
The hideous looks he received from the film crew convinced him that for today they had had enough.